コースコード | SAP058 | 期間 | 10日間 | 時間 | 09:30~17:00 | 価格 | \737,737(税込) | 主催 | SAPジャパン株式会社 |
コースコード | SAP058 | 期間 | 10日間 | 時間 | 09:30~17:00 |
価格 | \737,737(税込) | 主催 | SAPジャパン株式会社 |
コースコード | SAP058 | ||
期間 | 10日間 | ||
時間 | 09:30~17:00 | ||
価格 | \737,737(税込) | ||
主催 | SAPジャパン株式会社 |
The Management Accounting in SAP S/4HANA academy is aimed toward new consultants who want to obtain a broad and deep knowledge of Management Accounting in SAP S/4HANA and prove this by attaining certification.
This academy consists of two parts - you are now looking at part 1.Participants of this Academy (part 1) will gain an overview of the fundamental business processes and configuration of core components of Management Accounting with SAP S/4HANA. Cost Center and Internal Order Accounting, Product Cost Planning and Profit Center Accounting.
Integration is all discussed in this academy.
1st week
●Organizational structures and master data in overhead cost controlling
●Event-based postings to cost centers and internal orders
●Periodic cost allocation and activity allocation procedures within overhead cost controlling
●Planning of cost and cost allocations within overhead cost controlling
●Internal order overview and master data
●Event-based postings to internal orders
●Period-end closing of the internal orders
●Planning on cost centers and internal orders
●Budgeting and availability control on cost centers and internal orders
●New commitment management solutions on cost centers
2nd week
●Profitability management
●Profit center master data
●Actual postings to profit centers
●Profit center planning
●Transfer pricing concept
●Product cost planning methods
●Product cost planning basics
●Material cost estimate without quantity structure
●Product cost planning configuration
●Material cost estimate with quantity structure
●Additional costing functions
●Extended valuation methods: mixed cost estimate, using special procurement types, costing subcontracting operations, calculation scrap, costing product with multiple variants, costing co-products, describe material ledger.
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